Juliana Korver puts her 2023 Portland Open in perspective

I met Juliana Korver once.

I took my boys to USDGC last year. As we walked through Championship Village, we spotted a number of pros. Nathan Queen came riding through on his mountain bike, so we stopped him for a photo. Ella Hansen could be seen zooming around on a scooter, but was kind enough to sign a disc. We even saw Gregg Barsby and coerced him into a very on-brand “Barsby” thing … 

Throwing a hole on the spectator course with us.

It was a joy to see all the pros in their natural environments.

And then there was Juliana Korver

We found her sitting behind a table in her natural environment, too.

And what was she doing, you ask?


After she signed a disc for us, I complimented her on how well she was doing as a commentator for DGN. She expressed her desire to play less and commentate more in the future. The Zen-like Korver seemed at peace with her then-lot in disc golf life – competing for wins was gone …

DGPT: Juliana Korver

These days?

Booth work.

Fast forward to this past weekend: The 52-year-old (gasp) Korver plays out of her mind and podiums at the Portland Open. Mind you, this is NOT some random A-tier: It’s an Elite+ event comprised of the best FPO players on the planet – she threw a 982-rated tournament like a boss.

By rating alone, this was the fifth highest-rated event of her career.

And again …

Fifty-two years on Earth.

As a big-time Korver fan, I had to know 1) given the career she’s had, how she put this performance in perspective, and 2) how it might alter her future plans as a touring professional.

It was a quick conversation, but a solid one …

Straight from her mouth, here are four of the more surprising revelations I pulled from it:

1. Korver earned a Tour Card for next year

“I was not aware of [the Tour Card] until after the event. I asked Jeff Spring about it, and it’s true: Anyone finishing in the top three at an Elite+ event will automatically be granted a Tour Card for the following year.

PDGA: Juliana Korver [Far Left]

“This is a fun talking point, but I probably would have earned a Tour Card regardless of this finish based on points. It’s an honor that I’m very happy to have solidified, but it’s not critical for what I expect 2024 to look like.”

2. Portland doesn’t mean more touring in 2024

“My plan for next year is to transition into doing more DGN commentary. I will absolutely continue to play, but I will likely choose more Disc Golf Masters Tour events than DGPT events.”

3. She doesn’t consider Portland one of her best efforts

“I’m certainly proud of this accomplishment, but it does not eclipse those of my past. As I reflect on my career, it is the successes that I had against the men that shine the brightest.

“First and foremost was cashing at USDGC where there was ‘one division, one champion.’ That event was so important to me that I skipped the Women’s National, a women’s major, just so I could play against the men on one of the hardest courses at the time.

DGPT: Juliana Korver

“It is interesting that my rating this weekend is my fifth-best, but I don’t believe that this was the fifth-best tournament that I’ve ever played – not even in the ballpark. I don’t believe it makes much sense to compare ratings across generations. It is, however, the best tournament I’ve played in the modern era, and for that, I’m thrilled and grateful.”

4. J.K. is in (way) better shape than you

“I have always tried to take good care of myself, and I believe that small things over a long time make a big difference. For example, I have been doing 300 to 500 sit-ups every night for the last 37 years. I’ve always tried to eat well, leaning heavily towards a plant-based diet. When I first started playing, I shied away from shots and styles that I believed put too much strain on the body.”

Well, there you have it.

That “Zen-like Korver” I met last year is…

Still Zen.

Korver seems perfectly content to wind-down her touring and ramp-up her place in the booth. I have to admit, I was hoping for a “Korverenaissance.” I wanted to keep seeing this Gen-Xer whoop-up on the game’s wunderkinds. Of course, we still might see that…

Just not as much as I was hoping.

For now, the booth – as well as her crochet hooks – beckons.

Have anything to add? Take to Twitter to let us know – we’ll actually (for real) get back to you.

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Tim Briggs

Tim Briggs is a staff writer for Green Splatter. A pastor and recreational disc golfer in Charlotte, when he's not out hucking forehands and tomahawks, he’s spending time with his family, collecting baseball cards, and reciting quotes from "The Shawshank Redemption."

7 thoughts on “Juliana Korver puts her 2023 Portland Open in perspective”

  1. Thank you for the article. I’m her mother and was wondering a little myself if the success at Portland would want her to continue more touring rather than commenting.

    • Thanks for reading, Bonnie!

      Whatever she decides to do, she’ll do great …

      Be it in the booth or out on the course shredding 🙂

    • Honored that you would read the article! Maybe you can talk her into touring more? She has to listen to her mother, right?

  2. Great article. Was just telling my disc golf buddy how excited I was to see you Sai and especially Juliana Korver on the lead card. We are so priviledged to be able to watch her play. I took for granted a number of years back when Klimo was still playing and they would have him on the lead card with Paul and Ricky. Such fun!

    Bob in PA

    • Thanks for reading, Bob!

      Appreciate the love, man …

      And let’s not make that mistake again.

      This time, with the likes of Paul, Ricky, Kristin, etc.

      Good advice for us all 🙂


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